Book Name
Burnout, Timeout, and Fallout: A Qualitative Study of Why Pastors Leave Ministry
Author: Peach, Trisha R.
Publisher: Bethel University
A pastoral job is stressful and exhausting. Many factors contribute to pastoral attrition in pastoral ministry. Some of the key risk factors for pastoral attrition were identified as loneliness and isolation, a poor marriage, moral failure, unresolved conflicts, low maturity and emotional health, unrealistic expectations, and the use of negative coping mechanisms. Improper handling of stress will bring anxiety and even burnout. In order to properly address factors that contribute to pastoral attrition, the author studied relevant literature on pastoral attrition and then conducted quantitative and qualitative research. The author also brings together the findings from the literature, data, and interviews to make recommendations to address pastoral attrition.
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The State of Pastors: How Today’s Faith Leaders Are Navigating Life and Leadership in an Age of Complexity
Author: Barna Research Group and Pepperdine University
Publisher: Barna Research Group
Pastoring a church is challenging, especially in this twenty-first century. Willing to answer the calling is one thing and the ability to run a church is another important aspect to consider. The book The State of Pastors: How Today’s Faith Leaders Are Navigating Life and Leadership in an Age of Complexity contains findings of a comprehensive, whole-life assessment of pastors in the United States. The book reveals where church leaders in the States are most in need of healing and encouragement, and offers hopeful counsel for pastors who are seeking greater health as they continue to serve God. The fields examined in the research include but are not limited to their own mental, physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual well-being, the health of their relationships with family and church members, the overall health and effectiveness of their ministry, how they are received by their local community, and much more.
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The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout: A Journey from Exhaustion to Wholeness
Author: Nemecek, Sean
Publisher: Zondervan Reflective
There are high rate of pastoral burnout in the contemporary world. Many pastors claimed that they are 24-7 on call. They are facing an epidemic of burnout but not many people can totally understand their situation and difficulties. Pastors should know that they are called to serve and not called to burnout. It is ironic for pastors to bring weary souls to get rest in the love of God but themselves are burned out. The book The Weary Leader’s Guide to Burnout: A Journey from Exhaustion to Wholeness integrates biblical interpretation, theology, psychology, and spirituality into a holistic approach to recovery. The book walks alongside Christian leaders on a journey from burnout through recovery and on to spiritual formation. Through the book, the author will help the readers to understand the causes and symptoms of their burnout and help them to take practical and actionable steps toward wholeness.
Book Name
Don’t Burn Out, Burn Bright: How to Thrive in Ministry for the Long Haul
Author: Young, Jason, and Jonathan Malm
Publisher: Baker Books
No one will disagree that pastors and pastoral leaders are some of the hardest-working people in the world. Many of them even claimed that their roles need them to be ready 24-7 for all kinds of situations. One of the major responsibilities of a pastor is to take care of their flock’s spiritual health; however, it is so often to hear that pastors who take care of others end up burning out themselves. Pastoral personnel need breaks. They need to take a sabbatical or tend to their own physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Maintaining health in ministry for the long haul need to remembering challenging times and letting those moments turn into hope. The book Don’t Burn Out, Burn Bright: How to Thrive in Ministry for the Long Haul helps fine-tune your leadership and organize your life in such a way that you can become a high-capacity leader without the exhaustion and discouragement so many feel. The authors will teach you how to set healthy boundaries, release control, operate from your values, and much more in order to burn bright and make a lasting impact without sacrificing your health, happiness, and relationships.
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Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Don’t Want to Talk About
Author: Waller, Ryan Casey
Publisher: Nelson Books
Mental health is one of the major components of the holistic health of humanity. The name of the book is Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Don’t Want to Talk About. It is true that many people refuse to talk about their need for mental health support as they feel embarrassed. Life is full of challenges, especially in this contemporary world. Stresses come from every stage of life. Kids have stress when moving to a new school. Students feel stressed handling exams. Stress exerts its influences during job interviews, at work, in marriage, you name it. When you wake up in the morning your mind may fill with dread at the prospect of facing the day, and you’re curious if it’s just because you don’t like your job or because something more serious is happening with you psychologically. We need to be honest that we are fragile and need help. This book aims to discuss certain mental health issues so that readers can have a better understanding of those topics to heal or to be healed.
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