
A potted plant with purple flowers  Description automatically generatedA group of potted plants on a balcony  Description automatically generated

These 3 plants sat on our balcony through the whole winter and I thought they were already dead. The one with the orange flowers had 2 leaves left (one was yellow and withered) and one with purple leaves had only one stem left. I honestly was not hopeful that the strawberry plant could survive more than one season and through the harsh winter. In early spring, when I saw the sign of life coming back (as you can see on the photo), I was speechless. I was reminded of the lyrics in the song, the Hymn of Promise

  1. In the bulb, there is a flower

In the seed, an apple tree

In cocoons, a hidden promise

Butterflies will soon be free

In the cold and snow of winter

There's a spring that waits to be

Unrevealed until its season

Something God alone can see

  1. There's a song in every silence

Seeking word and melody

There's a dawn in every darkness

Bringing hope to you and me

From the past will come the future

What it holds, a mystery

Unrevealed until its season

Something God alone can see

  1. In our end is our beginning

In our time, infinity

In our doubt, there is believing

In our life, eternity

In our death, a resurrection

At the last, a victory

Unrevealed until its season

Something God alone can see






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