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Book Name
The State of Youth Ministry: How Churches Reach Today’s Teens - and What Parents Think about It‍

Publisher: a Barna Report produced in partnership with Youth Specialties and YouthWorks


Youth ministry is one of the most important ministries in every church. The research The State of Youth Ministry: How Churches Reach Today’s Teens--and What Parents Think about It is the report of the findings of three nationwide studies among youth pastors, senior pastors, and parents of teens. This research commissioned by Youth Specialities and Youth Works covered several topics, such as what parents are looking for in a church youth program, how the church leaders define the purpose and priorities of youth ministry, some specific activities, events, and learning opportunities that churches offer to youth, and the biggest challenges churches are facing about youth ministry today.

Book Name
The Connected Generation: How Christian Leaders around the World Can Strengthen Faith & Well-Being among 18-35-Year-Olds‍

Publisher: Barna Group


Young adults are our future. They are fast learners. The world is affected by them; however, they are also easily affected in the same way. In order to have a better understanding of this “Connected generation,” Barna partnered with World Vision and undertook this large study that featured 15,000 respondents in 25 countries and 9 languages. The research reveals that young adults desperately need to experience the love of God. This study is informative and handy. It provides a lot of good information to help planning of youth ministry. In this report you can find the challenges and fears that young people are facing, the attitudes young adults have toward church and religion, and the causes young adults care about.

Book Name
Gen Z: The Culture, Beliefs and Motivations Shaping the Next Generation‍

Publisher: Barna Group


Gen Z was the first major national study of people born between 1999 and 2015. They are the major force pushing the world forward and they are also our future. It is unfortunate that many Christian teenagers and young adults are unprepared for the world that is waiting for them. It is not unusual for many to have drifted, become disillusioned, or even walked away from their faith. In order to prepare and develop proper strategies for youth and young adult ministry, church leaders should have a better understanding of Gen Z’s characteristics. This study focuses on Gen Z's emotional lives; their relationship with technology; how they feel about faith and practice it.

Book Name
Gen Z: Vol 2‍

Publisher: Barna Group


Gen Z Volume 2 is the continuation of the work of Gen Z in 2016. This time you can have a newer and deeper look into the lives and minds of today’s young people. In this book you'll get to know the generation that is reshaping our world, teens and young adults who are driven, informed, hopeful but skeptical, anxious, spiritually open, and highly connected. More importantly, through new data, insights from practitioners, and a series of field guides, you'll learn strategies for loving and leading young people in a better way. You won’t miss it if you work with young adults and have a family member who is Gen Z.

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Drowning For Jesus: Compassion Fatigue in Ministry.‍

Author: Hoppe, Jeff, and Kathy Hoppe
Publisher: Resource Publications


People with the roles of educators, ministers, and counselors in church offer a lifeline to those people who are drowning in the demands of religion. Walking with others through the deepest, darkest, and most disorienting phases of their life journeys needs courage, as well as the capacity to tolerate ambiguity and complexity. Humans are weak and fragile. Mental health professionals, however, may also burnout if unable to handle stress and emotions properly. Church leaders or professionals may not notice the subtle change in their own internal conditions will also pull them to depths that place them at risk. The authors, as health care professionals, want to share the lessons they have learned with readers and hope that it provides them with the courage and strength to directly face their stress and, at the same time, be able to deal with them properly. The book Drowning For Jesus: Compassion Fatigue in Ministry will offer prevention advice for burnout, compassion fatigue, and managing church systems. The topics of the process of recovery beginning with rest and retreat, and the minister's renewed calling will be discussed, too.

Book Name
Making Space for Millennials‍

Publisher: Barna Group


The Millennials are the future of the world; therefore, many churches and Christian organizations are trying their best and struggling with how to make room for Millennials. We are talking about not just appealing space in their buildings and gathering places, but also space in their institutional culture, ministry models, and leadership approach. This Making Space for Millennials is a handbook for turning information about Millennials into connections with Millennials in your church, school, or organization. Whether you are a pastor, an educator, a youth or young adult ministry leader, or a nonprofit or business leader, this resource is designed to help you make the most of your current and future partnerships with Millennials. With the help of this book, you will discover the impact Millennials' values, allegiances, and assumptions will have on your church. This handbook also teaches you how to hear Millennials' perspectives on worship and community spaces. You can learn from practitioners in each of the four design arenas - culture, ministry, leadership, and facilities so as to help your Millennials, and to gain valuable insights on how this generation views and relates to form and function. This handout is specially designed for Pastors and church boards, Youth and college ministry leaders, Educators, and others who teach young people.

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Author: 林凱沁
Publisher: 愛家文化基金會



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Author: 布魯斯 納蘭摩爾 (Bruce Narramore)
Publisher: 大光傳播有限公司



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Author: 約翰 高特曼 (John Gottman) 和 瓊安 迪克勒 (Joan Declaire)
Publisher: 時報文化


本書提供孩子從嬰兒期到青春期各成長階段的情緒發展目標、簡單易行的「情緒輔導五步驟」,同時針對現代父親的教養任務、父母婚姻觸礁時的親子互動,提出精闢實用的建議與輔導策略, 是新世代父母不可或缺的教養指南。

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Author: 林浣心
Publisher: 突破出版社



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Author: 詹姆斯 杜布森 (James Dubson)
Publisher: 愛家文化基金會


本書提供一套建立孩子自信心的四個實用策略,從幼兒期、兒童期到青春期,逐步建立孩子的自信心與自我價值觀,有了這兩樣武器,孩子就可以抵擋社會中無處不在、伺機而動的各種打擊與挫折。 讓孩子遇到困難時不是「躲」起來,而是找「出路」,使孩子在人生的路上走得更好、更健康。

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Author: 路卡杜 (Max Lucado)
Publisher: 校園書房出版社



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Author: 桑蒂 菲德翰 (Shaunti Feldhahn)
Publisher: 台灣舉手網絡協會



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Author: 喬伊 歐康納 (Joey O’Connor)
Publisher: 愛家文化基金會


死亡是生命的一部份,但該如何與孩子談論死亡? 一旦失去生命中摯愛的人,除了傷痛,還該和孩子說些什麼呢? 本書將幫助你揭開這個不能說的祕密,這是想向孩子解釋死亡真相的父母、師長必備的「寶典」。

Book Name

Author: 慕安得烈 (Andrew Murray)
Publisher: 大光傳播有限公司





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