

  • A total of 94 responses were received. About half were filled out by parents and half by youth and young adults.
  • Represents Greater Vancouver demographic. Majority of the respondents were middle class Cantonese speaking families.
  • Among the youth and young adult respondents, more than half were born and raised in non-English speaking countries and about 1/5 were CBC
  • Male:female respondent ratio is about 50:50
  • Parents seem to underestimate or were unaware of youths’ mental health conditions. Parents tend to have a more optimistic assessment compared to youths.
  • Academic stress and concern for future study/career paths are the top 2 stressors among this age group.
  • Friends are identified as the most important and frequent resource for youth and young adults to seek help.
  • Mental health and religion: There was no statistically significant relationship between religion and mental health.
  • Loneliness: Mental health had a significant relationship to feeling lonely/isolated.


Total % Youth vs Parents


Emotional and Mental Health of Youth / Young Adult and Youth represented by parents

Emotional & Mental Health Comparison
Categories Youth Parents
Top 3 Criteria of Good Mental Health
  1. Sleep Well
  2. Good relationship with people
  3. Be kind to oneself
  1. Good relationship with parents
  2. Good relationship with people
  3. Have good friends
Top 3 Causes of Stress
  1. Academic
  2. Study and Work in Future
  3. People's comment on me
  1. Academic
  2. Relationship with people
  3. Have good friends
How Often Felt Lonely (Top Answer) Sometimes Seldom
How Often Felt Nervous (Top Answer) Sometimes Seldom
Considered getting professional help (Top Answer) No No
Considered suicide (Top Answer) No No


Comparison of Depression Categories Between Youth And Parents

Depression Youth Parents
Minimal 9 23
Mild 14 18
Moderate 9 2
Moderately Severe 11 1
Severe 6 0



Top 3 reasons for grieving:
Fail a test (50%)
Parents argue (25%)
War or climate change (23%)

Did you feel sad or grief in the past 6 months?


Suicidal Thought

  • 28% responded “yes” or “I don’t know”
  • Among those who had suicidal thought, no one reported that parents were aware of it
  • Reason for having suicidal thought: Study pressure (70%); Felt that life is meaningless (70%)
  • What helped you get out of the suicidal thought: support from friends and family ranked #1


What Are Useful To Improve Young People’s Mental/Emotional Well-Being?

Topics Youth Young Adult Parents
Handling emotions 25% 17% 13%
Getting to know oneself 24% 20% 14%
Parent-children relationship 13% 15% 20%
Relaxation practices 13% 15% 9%
Facing adversity 13% 20% 25%
Dealing with conflict 10% 11% 18%

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