We often use our left brain to read Scripture. We like to analyze, study the historical background, dig into word studies, etc. While all that are good and necessary, reading the Bible with our right brain (using visual imagination) can bring a different kind of insight into our scriptural reflection. Let’s try it with the following exercise. It will be helpful to have a pen and a journal ready for use when engaging this exercise.
Rembrandt, “Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee” (1633), Oil on canvas, https://www.gardnermuseum.org/experience/collection/10953
1st Read:
Read Mark 4:35-41 slowly and look carefully at Rembrandt’s painting after you read. As you read the passage, pay attention to words that catch your attention. Circle the words in your Bible or highlight those words in your reading device. Meditate on those words as you look at the painting. What part of the painting jumps out to you?
“That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm. He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!” (Mark 4:35-41, NIV)
Reflection and Journaling Prompt #1: Art historians interpreted that the “13th disciple” in the painting was Rembrandt himself. Imagine that you were also in the boat with Jesus and the disciples. How would you react with the sudden onset of a fierce storm? What storm is sweeping through your life or your loved ones’ life? What storm is sweeping through our world? How do you feel when the storm hits? Where is Jesus in your stormy sea? Sleeping? Watching? Intervening? What do you hope Jesus to do for you? Do you feel frustrated that Jesus seems to be ignoring the storm or not taking any action against it? Write down your feelings, struggles, questions and offer them as a prayer to God.
2nd Read:
Read the same passage slowly using a different translation (you can also use a translation in different language). Spend a few minutes with the painting after each reading. What words caught your attention as you read through the passage in a different translation? Go back to the words that you circled or highlighted during your first read. How are those words presented differently in a different translation? Do they still jump out to you? Why or why not? Are there new word(s) or phrase(s) that catch your attention? Looking at the painting again, what new things do you notice or jumps out to you?
Reflection and Journaling Prompt #2: Rembrandt depicted 2 groups of disciples in the painting – one group of disciples panicking and doing everything they could to save themselves; the other group trying to talk to Jesus and ask for help. Rembrandt placed himself as one of the people in the boat and yet looking to the audiences as if asking you and me, “what is your response to a stormy situation?” Do we attempt to use our human effort to rescue ourselves and change the circumstances? What are you trying to hold onto when you feel drowning? Do you only cry out to God as if He is our last resort and why? Do you feel that God is completely absent from the situation? Do you feel that He is not willing to help or resolve the situation in the way you desire? Are you willing to let go of your own control and let Jesus work the way He decides? How would you respond in your own stormy sea of messy situation of the world? Write down your feelings, struggles, questions and offer them as a prayer to God. Note down the words from the passage that shed light into your own spiritual condition.
3rd Read:
Read the same passage slowly using yet another translation. I would encourage you to use translations that employs significance difference in its translation approach (e.g. to choose a literal translation such as the NASB, NRSV and a freer translation or even a paraphrase such as the NLT, the Message, Good News Bible, etc.) Spend a few minutes with the painting after each reading. What words caught your attention as you read through this translation? Go back to the words that you circled or highlighted during your first and second read. How are those words presented differently in this translation? What do you hear differently? Are there new word(s) or phrase(s) that catch your attention or stirring your heart? Is there a particular word or phrase that speaks with a louder voice or deeper intensity in this read? Looking at the painting again, what new things do you notice or jumps out to you? (you can watch the video commentary on Rembrandt’s painting:
Reflection and Journaling Prompt #3: Behind the boat far in the dark clouds, Rembrandt painted a shade of golden yellow – sunshine that comes through the clouds as if telling the audiences that the storm will pass, calm and sunny day will come, God is in control. What does that mean to you? Can you see sunshine beyond your dark clouds or dark clouds surrounding your community and the world? What is hindering you from seeing the sunshine? In the midst of the storm, besides seeking to be saved, Jesus is also inviting us to be part of “the solution/ the rescue” – a community that brings hope to the chaotic world. How can we part of the message of hope? Write down your feelings, struggles, questions and offer them as a prayer to God. Note down the words from the passage that brings God’s assurance and encouragement.
Rembrandt painted “Christ in the Storm on the Sea of Galilee” when going through major crises in his life – losing his wife, his mother, and three of his children and eventually gone bankruptcy. The painting was so much more than a masterpiece of artwork demonstrating Rembrandt’s virtuoso skills. This piece emerged as a deep yearning from his soul seeking anchor and help in the midst of his life storms while expressing his faith and hope for a new day to dawn and yet his work goes beyond a personal expression, it becomes an inspiration that brings comfort and hope to thousands of viewers. By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, how we experience our living God in our stormy journey can offer hope and become part of “the solution/ the rescue” to the hurting world.
Through this project, we hope to promote mental and emotional wellness among young people and pastoral families among the Chinese Canadian community. This project is funded by the Ministry in the HUB grant.
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