
I was never a successful planter. My former assistant knew that every plant that I put in my office eventually died. On the day of my birthday, she carried a new plant arrangement into my office and I was so moved. I said to her, “I am not sure how long this one may survive” and she replied, “look more closely, this is fake!”

I love orchids and just like the fate of any other plant in my office, they all withered. I am presently surprised this year that the last orchid I kept in my apartment bloomed - not once, but twice! However, the shape of this orchid is the least adorable - the whole plant is completely slanted and the roots grew so long and so wild that they actually looked like long spider feet crawling. When the branch with the flower buds came out, they literally grew horizontally between the leaves. If anything blooms in its glory, this is not the orchid that I would expect to bloom.

As I watched the new buds coming out from this deformed orchid this morning, I am reminded of the description about the Messiah in Isaiah 11:1,

“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse;

from his roots a Branch will bear fruit”

and in Isaiah 53:3

“He was despised and rejected by mankind,

a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.

Like one from whom people hide their faces

he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.”

The story of Jesus in the New Testament actually echoed Isaiah’s prophecy - people did not expect their Messiah to come as a humble servant! People tend to adore and look up to people who are rich and powerful, who look good in their appearance or celebrities who are famous and popular. And for the Israelites, they were looking for a powerful leader who could deliver them from the stronghold of the Roman rule.

However, our Lord Jesus presents to us an alternative model - though He is the most powerful and glorious King in the universe, He entered this world in the most unexpected presence and it is precisely in this most unexpected presence of the Messiah that brings the most unexpected transformation among humanity and creation.

His unexpected presence breaks down the walls and hostility among human beings.

His unexpected presence heals broken relationships and reconciles enemies into friends.

His unexpected presence restores dignity and value of every human being so we can once again shine as creation made in the image of God.

His unexpected presence shows the ultimate meaning of love that would shatter all evil and bring the world shalom (peace and wholeness).

Look carefully, and you will find the most unexpected presence of God in your life today.

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