
Title of the Artwork: “Starting Over from a Single Dot: A Grace-Filled Journey in Art”
Digital Art

Author: Amy JIA (CCST Vancouver Master of Theological Studies student)

There’s a quiet, profound grace in starting over. For me, it began with a single dot, a small, humble mark on a whiteboard. But this dot is not just a symbol of a fresh start; it is a witness and reminder of God’s boundless mercy, His love, and His presence in every moment of my life.

From my earliest days, my mom recognized the spark in me, a natural gift for drawing. She encouraged me to nurture it, and my teacher helped fan that flame. I dreamed of becoming an artist, believing that art would be my career. But life, almost unknowingly, led me down a different path, into trade, marketing, and my life became burdened, weighed down by the deep entanglements of a world that “left little room for breath”.

Still, among these changes and struggles I faced, I always felt a quiet pull in my heart, a longing to return to the art I had once set aside. I found myself caught in a web of constant struggles, but through it all, I sensed that art had been patiently waiting for my return. And now, by God's grace, I have reconnected to where it all began. This return to art feels like a gift, a breath of grace, a fresh start that is also a rediscovery.

It is imbued with a deeper understanding, shaped by my profound experiences and my unwavering trust in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The dot symbolizes a new beginning in art, a reflection of God’s promise that even the smallest moments can carry the potential for remarkable transformation. From that single dot emerges a line; from the line, a shape; and from that humble point of origin, endless possibilities unfold.

Now, I see that my “art” is no longer just for personal expression; it has taken on a greater purpose. My creativity, once a private pursuit, now serves to glorify God, to reflect His love, and to bring beauty and healing into the world. Each line I draw, each color I use, becomes an act of worship. Each brushstroke is not merely a mark on paper but a profound expression of the love and mercy I’ve experienced throughout my life. I am learning to witness God’s love and to feel His mercy through the very act of creation.

No matter where life leads, I know I am never far from His embrace. In this new beginning, I am filled with hope, knowing that every dot, every line, and every creation reflects His love, mercy, and grace.

I am deeply grateful to Prof. Ho, the teacher of my Art and Spirituality course, whose humanistic approach as a Christian artist and educator has profoundly shaped my journey. I am also blessed by my peers, whose presentations allowed me to experience the marvellous beauty of peer learning and the rich diversity of artistic expression. My heartfelt thanks also go to Prof. Chan, who comforted my mind with art therapy approaches when I was on the verge of burnout after the class ended - the moment I began seeking art therapy techniques to prevent myself from reaching complete burnout.

Thank God! I can’t help but sing Hallelujah to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit! With all these blessings, I continue my journey in art, in Christ. May God bless and guide my artistic heart and path ahead in HIS way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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