Title of the Artwork: The Passion of Christ
LEGO blocks
Author: Jason NG (CCST Vancouver Master of Ministry student)
LEGO is a household name in toys, but it is also highly popular in the adult market. Many LEGO enthusiasts go beyond the original designs, creating their own works known as MOC (My Own Creation).
LEGO has a principle of avoiding themes related to war. Previously, it has also declined to provide materials to the human rights artist Ai Weiwei for his art projects. This prompted me to reflect: as an MOC player, do I have the right to use LEGO to express my faith?
With that in mind, I began creating faith-related themes. This piece, The Passion of Christ, is the work I am most satisfied with. By putting together seemingly ordinary LEGO pieces, I formed the image of Christ suffering on the cross. I particularly like the depiction of the dripping blood, which evokes a sense of heartache and compels viewers to ponder the immense suffering Christ endured on the cross.
The figure of Christ can be removed independently, leaving behind an empty cross and traces of blood. This, in turn, evokes another layer of emotion and meaning.