Title of the Artwork: The Hand of Grace
Mixed Media
Author: Anita LI Lishan (CCST Vancouver Master of Theological Studies student)
The Hand of Grace is a deeply symbolic artwork, featuring a hand crafted from paper clay that represents Christ's love and salvation through His crucifixion on the cross. At the center of the hand is an engraved nail piercing the palm, surrounded by bloodstains. This imagery symbolizes Christ’s willingness to endure pain and sacrifice for our redemption. This detail reflects the words of Scripture: “He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities” (Isaiah 53:5), highlighting Christ's infinite love and sacrifice.
The bloodstains and nail in the palm not only represent Christ's suffering but also depict God’s profound care and love for every individual. As Scripture declares: “See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands” (Isaiah 49:16). This artwork reminds us that every believer is cherished by God, who paid an immense price for us and has eternally engraved our names on His hands.
The Hand of Grace also powerfully expresses the Lord’s grace, with His sacrifice bringing redemption and comfort to us. The faint light emanating from the bloodstains symbolizes Christ’s love and grace, penetrating all darkness and suffering, and offering believers eternal hope and peace.